4 years ago i was a freshman. in high school. even then, i was old.
8 years ago i was in 5th grade. still, i was old.
12 years ago i was 6 years old. again, old.
why? because i remember being 5. questioning the world at 4. opening my conscious eyes at 3. yes, i am indeed old.
i remember walking past 26 Santa Maria with Kathryn Vidmar, wondering where we would be when we grew up.
i remember sharing thoughts of elementary school, where we'd get our very own desks. we could stash unlimited Halloween candy in those (private?) desks.
i remember she moved away after kindergarten. i remember finding her again in 5 years, in middle school.
i remember thinking high school would never come. that it was a completely new place we would feel uncomfortable in.
i remember thinking the same thing of college. that we'd be a different by then.
but always, i remember knowing we'd be best friends, forever.
guess what, kathryn? we are old. we made it. we're living the dream. and you're still my best friend.
i remember thinking i'd never drive a car. i remember thinking i'd never sit in a college-level class, typing away at an online journal, blogger. i remember thinking i'd never serve a mission. i remember thinking i'd never own my own house, be the head of my own family.
but with this new-found age, i am indeed that old. i can drive. i am currently in Bio 100, writing to mr. Blogger. i'm turning in my papers within the year. in a few more, i could be married. and that seems ok.
i cherish you, youth. i accept you, old age.
do you remember when we were so little we could climb up and down your laundry shoot? look at us now.
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