hello, spring

10 March 2010
i know i have already visited this on a previous post, but that was a good eighteen months ago.

i love my bike. i really, really do. i finally found a good spot for it to live in my room (sorry sean), begging for a quick spin. with any luck, i should be able to ride every day (resting sundays) for the remainder of the semester. i love spring.

Rides I Like:
Squaw Peak
Alpine Loop
relentlessly riding up and down the canyon
the take-every-right-hand-turn-in-North-Provo ride
...more to come

you know what else i love? my new room. and roommate, Sean O'Rourke. check his blog.

McKelle took this. i like it. thankyou thankyou!!


Amanda said...

love your bike! love your new room. love your roommate. love your blog.

this is the start of a great thing.