a bump on the head; a sweater removed

15 March 2010
last night i hit my head. the kind of head-hitting that only occurs when one is overly excited and underly cautious. the physical, literal, hitting of the head on very unforgiving stone. while this did not result in a life-changing, mind-altering, paradigm-shifting vision, it did leave me with a bump on the head. and you know, that bump on the head was worth it. it resulted in a fantastic picture; 7 friends stuffed in a fireplace.

notice the smile.

i like smiles.

smiles bring more smiles, more smiles bring laughter, and laughter brings joy.

smile more, world. there's too much to be happy about.

spring. today foreshadowed spring. no, there were not many shadows on the ground, but i can tell spring is imminent.

spring is my favorite. my favorite season; my favorite underused dance move.

spring brings warmth. warmth brings smiles. and, as you know, smiles bring joy.

thank you, spring. today, a sweater removed; tomorrow, a nap in the grass.